Friday, November 15, 2019


I've been trying to think what to blog about. Blogging doesn't always come easy for me, because when you're a writer with a day job, there is always so much to do in so little time.

Writing is a tough enough gig on it's own. In my last blog, I told you about my salesmanship. In this blog I'm going to look back at 2012 until now and adjust my writing perspective

When I was young, I wanted to be as big as or bigger than Stephen King. Who didn't? Ah, the young, so idealistic, so virgin to having their hearts ripped out, stamped on, then stuffed back in, only to be ripped out again. But fear not idealists, the great suffering, us writers must endure,  is also a rite of passage to cynicism and venom. Did I mention we turn  these into characters and stories, changing details just enough so as not to be sued?
Highwayman and The Equinox with WildBlue Press
Perspective. I write because it is what I was meant to do. 
Perspective. It's tough and sometimes it can be a cruel industry
Perspective. Writing is an art I both love and hate, but love more than hate.
Perspective. Did I do what I wanted? Sure, and I'm not done yet.

Looking back, I have written my whole life. 

I wrote movie reviews for my hometown paper in Chilliwack, B.C.  Sadly, that little newspaper is gone now. But I got copies in some box somewhere. I wrote of my exploits while serving in the army. I also wrote short stories, received piles of rejections, some mere stubs that said things like, SORRY BUT IT'S NOT FOR US. Turning lemons into lemonade, with plenty of vodka, I opted to use them as book marks. Rejection never deterred me. I took a run at a novel, had the whole thing figured out, but I got posted and promoted and life and kids and duty.

I became a blogger who fought hard for veterans rights when I was medically released in 1998 after 12 years of service.  In 1999, I got behind the wheel of a truck and drove all over the continent. Then in early 2010, I found that half finished manuscript, in a loose leaf binder typed out on an electric Underwood, THE EQUINOX.

That's when I thought, Maybe

As 2011 bloomed, I'd seen and done much, in trucking, and I finished THE EQUINOX and headed for Canada's Ice roads in 2012, THE EQUINOX was born. 

Perspective. I've accomplished quite a bit in just eight short years. I have written four books, of which all on the cusp of release just been. Equinox and Highwayman are already available everywhere in almost every format. Acadia Event is being reborn while FOUR: Highwayman Book 2, is also being readied for publication. 

Meanwhile, I've started out a new Highwayman.  Book 3 [No working title yet.]

And there's this other thing.

I've got another straight up horror novel idea that I want to write and the stuff I'm thinking of would resurrect an old short story, but tell the whole story, blow by bloody blow. And you know what, it's got monsters. I love monsters. Doesn't everyone?

As Acadia Event gets ready for its second launch I think Ice roads and aliens.
Anyway, I was talking about perspective and here is my perspective. To continue as a story teller, I gotta keep beating the drum. Doing the interviews, yelling to the crowd, "Read all about it!"

Perspective, writing, in 2019 to 2020, I got four books hitting markets and formats they have never hit before. There's audio for the truckers, digital for the kids or the old folks with Kindle and there's first class covers in 6X9 trade paperback for the traditionalist. I have a publicist. I have a publishing contract. 

People in other countries have read and dug my stuff.

Perspective. That's not bloody bad for seven years.

I like telling stories. 
I hope you like the ones I tell.

Til next time.

1 comment:

  1. You've had a fantastic run,my friend. So proud of you and your writing and life accomplishments. Keep introducing those monsters and their mayhem to the world. We wait with the lights on.
